Bloom’s Taxonomy

Bloom, an American educational psychologist, was working on perfecting the education process. He believed that education is a process and that teachers should come up with such tasks, that would encourage students to reach specific rather than general goals.

General goal – a goal that, for instance, illustrates an author’s vision of what the students will learn.

Example: to teach the teachers how to deal with parents’ complaints

Specific goal – a goal that captures one’s expectation of what a student will be able to do after finishing the course.

Example: react constructively to parents’ complaints, putting the conflicts down

Bloom’s taxonomy offers a classification of teaching and learning goals, which divides the process into three spheres:

  1. Cognitive (I know)
    • your skills regarding knowledge, understanding and thinking critically
  2. Affective (I feel)
    • your skills indicating how you react emotionally, how empathetic you are
  3. Sensory domains ( I create)
    • your skills that define how well you can use given tools and instruments, they are usually connected to the development of hard-skills.

When it comes to critical thinking, the first sphere is the most important. There are 6 levels of it:

Armstrong, P. (2010). Bloom’s Taxonomy. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching. Retrieved [todaysdate] from

Watch this video that vividly explains Bloom’s taxonomy in more detail and the importance of implementing critical thinking in your life.

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